Saturday, August 8, 2009

"Me, Myself and I" final

Today i re-took photos for this composite.
I took a different approach to the last photos hoot to make it more interesting, especially with the poses. 
At a park, i took the 10 photos and worked them in using a variety of tools to make the scene look realistic.
I used vector masks, a few shadows and the eraser. This composite wasn't as easy as the other two to do, simply because it needs to look more realistic and also you need to make each pose unique because its the same person used every time. 
With this time round and re-doing the photos, i have learnt that in order to keep it real lighting and shadows need to be considered with taking the background shot and the elements to go within it.
Above is my final work.

"Me, myself and I"

I have started this scene, but am re-doing this composite as Luke has given advice that my images of myself don't fit in with the background's shading and ligthing etc. Will take photos tomorrow.

Friday, August 7, 2009

"Underwater scene"

For my underwater composite i chose to portray the idea of people swimming amongst a scary environment. There are battleships, boats and submarines below, while sharks lurk around above. I thought id attempt to create a bit of irony with the gold stash in the sharks mouth, necklace hanging out, and the snorkeler with the treasure chest. The central focal point is the human diving into the ocean, looking like he will end up in the sharks mouth. 
I utilized the pen tool/vector mask with most images (some from SXC, some google) and found this okay until actually placing them and trying to make them realistic. I have made other minor changes to each image also, such as reducing the opacity, adding a tinge of blue to make them fit in with the water scene.

"The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side"

For this composite my idea came from what occurs in everyday life whether people realise it or not. Whether it be a singer, actor or sportsperson, everyone is influence by someone and quite often people wish they could be just like their inspiration. The theme of my composite is to portray a child's dream or just wanting to be a singer. In this case it's my little friend, who wants to be "Britney Spears". People then come to realise that fame isn't everything and sometimes the people you look up to can be a bad influence, like Britney in my case. My little model realises this and is proud of who she is. 
I have used some images from google of Britney. I took photos also.
I used the eraser and other tools to create the soft glowing flowing look between images as thought all the Britney images are put together to form one background.